Baby Jonas arrived on 23rd July 2008, early in the morning, around 6am plus.
When I first looked at him, my first thought was, "Gosh, he looked so much like kx!" I am of course very happy, because if he looked like kx, meaning he will look like me. Yeah yeah!!
I kept thinking that i may not be able to provide him as much love as i have given kx but i was wrong! Love just multiply and i find myself loving him more and more each day. I will miss him dearly when im out and sometimes when im playing with kx, my mind will wander and start to think about him. I really thank god for being kind to me and blessed me with 2 wonderful child whom i love dearly :)
Below is my birth story and it's a nurse who delivered my baby, not DR SF LOH...
4pm plus: Feel some watery discharge, not sure is it amniotic fluid
8pm plus: After having dinner and shower, told Sim that i want to go KKH for a peace of mind. When im having kx, i also experienced leakage of the waterbag and i want to be safe than sorry
9pm: Reached KKH delivery suite. Was sent to a room for inspection and confirmed waterbag leaked. Was asked to sit on a wheelchair and wheeled to Delivery Suite 30.
9pm plus: Happily watching serial on Channel 8. The staff nurse in charge, Ms Alicia Ang, told me that im having contractions every 3 to 5 mins. Im surprised, coz I dun feel any contraction pain
10pm plus: SF came and break my waterbag. It was so damn painful!! During the process I pinched SF's hand very very hard coz it was too painful for me to endure. When the waterbag burst, I felt a gush of warm water. In fact, more and more warm water kept coming out. The nurse commented that I have alot of amniotic fluid, kekeke...Not sure is it because of the lecithin that i took throughout the pregnancy. Read in shichida book that amniotic fluid will be alot if take lecithin during pregnancy
11pm plus: Nurse asked me whether i want epidural. I said ok since sooner or later i will need it even though the contractions were not causing any pain
2am plus: Felt very sore on my right bum and asked Sim to massage for me. Told nurse about the soreness and nurse checked cervix for me. Oh, 10cm dilated liao!!! So fast!! The nurse asked me to try pushing. No luck, coz baby is still high up in the birth canal
3am plus: Was put on drip and given synthetic oxytocin to speed up the contraction process
5am: Nurse checked cervix and said baby is low lying in the birth canal. She got ready all the things and asked me to start pushing.
5.45am: Told nurse to call SF as im exhauseted and tired from all the pushing. I wanted SF to come immediately and vaccum my baby!
6am: Still pushing very hard and no sign of SF. Asked nurse to call SF again and SF said to get ready the equipments for vaccum. However nurse told him no need to use vaccum already, coz baby is on the way.
6am plus: Still no sign of SF and my baby is coming out soon! I dun even need to push and i can feel the baby's head is trying to come out. Told nurse to perform epistomy for me. Once she cut, the baby's head came out and with a final push, the nurse delivered the baby and SF is nowhere in sight!!! Frustrating!! Paid so much for his fees and yet he did not deliver my baby!
SF saunteered in a few mins later and was very surprised that I had given birth. Scolded him a few times and he said to compensate me, he will think of a name for baby. In the end he came up with the name "Sherman" since my first one was called Sherise. Can faint lor!
Baby Jonas - At the delivery suite

At the ward (Sleep until so shiok wor, machiam more tired than the mummy)

Both baby and mummy were discharged on 24/07/2008 at 1.30pm. Oh ya, before i forget, we stayed in Ward 82, Room 10. Before that, we were staying in Ward 72, Room 15. So can go and buy "Bei Pio" - 8210, 7215