I brought him for his 2nd dose of 6-in-1 jab today. His weight is now almost 8kg... 7.95kg to be exact. Hmm..his weight has slowed down quite a bit, dun you agree? But doctor said his weight is more than 95 percentile and there's nothing to worry about. His height is also more than 95 percentile. The doctor said I can start weaning him from 6 mths onwards since he's thriving well on breastmilk alone. Yeah, I dun have to worry about weaning him for the time being :)
Oh ya, he has become an "or ni ku" now but I find that he looked like a girl leh! Look at his face and features. If he's not my boy, I would have mistaken him as a girl also.
Now this little boy has grown to be very chatty and smiley. He can laugh very loud and his laughter is very infectious. Once he starts laughing, everybody in the house will start to laugh with him, including his jie jie. I hope this dear baby will remain smiley and continue to grow and grow! :)